Frequently Asked Questions
Should I transfer to digital, DVD disc, or both?
Revolve's standard VHS to digital transfer service converts your videotapes to digital files - returned on a thumb drive or via digital upload. For the long term, it is best to have your memories converted to digital files. You can edit and share your memories with ease. DVD discs are available as an option and are priced additionally. These are transferred to one disc for each tape. Discs are a good gift option for extended family and friends - or just to have a good old DVD to play and enjoy.
What's your normal turnaround?
Usually about a week or two. Larger collections can take closer to several weeks. Let us know your time frame - expedite rates are available if you need it ASAP.
Can you edit and cleanup footage?
Definitely. Basic picture and image cleanup is included in all transfers. More detailed cleanup and editing services are available as an extra service. Let us know what you need and we'll get a you fair price.
How Do I Get Started?
Several ways. Call for an estimate or get pricing online. When you’re ready, you can bring your items to either our Hampton Roads or Richmond locations and pick up when order is complete. Or, you can start your order by mail and handle payment online.